KOC Raffle – Evening at the Rose Plantation

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring raffle to support several ministries and causes which include RSVP, the Marian Servants, Sacramental Gifts, and Our Mother of Mercy Outreach.


Sea breeze Recreation Center Parking Lot – 2384 Buena Vista Blvd, Baily Trail Entrance
Tuesdays | 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
March 7 & March 14

Everglades Recreation Center Parking Lot – 5497 Marsh Bend Trail
Wednesdays | 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
March 8 & March 15

The raffle includes a chance to win a private dining room for four people, a customized 5 course dinner, 2 bottles of house wine, as well as a dedicated server. This also includes 7% tax with 25% gratuity.
The winner will work directly with the restaurant for scheduling. Ticket donation is $20 and are available at the following offsite locations. Tickets may be purchased by cash or check. Please make checks payable to The Knights of Columbus 13300. The winner will be drawn on Thursday, March 16. Contact Ken Rabideau (352) 751-4421 if have any questions.

Council of Catholic Women Fashion Show Info

It is with great excitement to let you know that the CCW Fashion show will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at the Wildwood Community Center. Doors will open at 10:30 am, and lunch catered by La Hacienda will be served at noon. Fashions are being provided by Dillard’s of Ocala. There will be raffles, a silent auction and a share-the-wealth drawing.

Tickets are $40 per person. Tickets will be sold in the St. Vincent de Paul Family Life Center to paid-in-full CCW members only on Thursday, January 12 from 10 am until 12:30 pm. Each member can purchase up to four tickets. The general public may purchase tickets on Thursday, January 19 from 10 am until 12:30 pm. Cash or checks made out to St. Vincent de Paul CCW will be accepted. A maximum of four (4) tickets will be sold to each person as long as supplies last.

Before purchasing, please fill out the registration form. Click the button below!

Life in the Spirit – Upcoming Seminar

This will take place on Thursday afternoons ( 4 pm – 6 pm) starting January 19 through March 2.

This program emphasizes the role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in your life, as well as the grace and gifts the Holy Spirit bestows.

Seminar Meetings include singing, a guest speaker, prayer, and time for socializing. Each evening will have a different topic geared to bring each one of us into a closer relationship with God.
All are welcome and there is no charge to participate. Previous participants in the Life of the Spirit are also invited to join. Contact either Terry DeLuciav (352) 901-2435 or Sherry Stevens (612) 270-9292 to register


January 19 – God’s Love
January 26 – Salvation
February 2 – New Life
February 16- Receiving God’s Gift
February 23 – Baptism if the Holy Spirit
March 2 – Growth & Transformation

Pastoral Letter from Bishop John Noonan

The Eucharist: God Among Us

As we begin our journey toward a Eucharistic Revival, I write with great hope and joy in
God that His Presence will ever be our guide. I offer you my prayerful reflection about
how we might begin our journey together and consider our relationship with God as the
defining moment of our faith. I ask you to pray and discern where we might together
recommit our desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist that we are filled with God’s
Presence and become Christ to one another. It is my fervent prayer that, on our journey,
we will love Jesus in one another.