St. Paul’s Letter to Galatians Spiritual Study

The most important question a Christian can ask is “What must we do to be saved?” St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians provides the answer and reveals the merciful love God the Father has for his children. This letter to the Galatians speaks of the extraordinary gift of salvation Jesus has won for us and explains how we can unite ourselves to Christ’s redeeming sacrifice through faith and love.

Presenter Jeff Cavins explains how Christ fulfilled the Law and set us free to live in the Spirit. Learn what “justification” means and how faith and works are an integral part of it. Discover how we become heirs to the promises and blessings of Christ through faith. For course specific questions, contact Bill and Ellen Lowderman at (404) 863-0769.


Date & Time: Tuesdays | Sept. 12 – Oct. 31 | 9:00 am – 10:30 am

Location: Family Life Center – Meeting Room 6

Registration Details: Registration required – opens Monday, August 14. Register online with Eventbrite at svdpffclass.eventbrite or by visiting and clicking Parish News. Cost to register is $28. This covers the cost of the workbook “Galatians: Set Free to Live.” For workbook inquiries, contact the parish office at (352) 330-0220.

Celebrating the Feast Day of Fr. McGivney

Blessed Michael J McGivney—Founder of the Knights of Columbus.

The Founder of the Knights of Columbus was Blessed Michael J McGivney, declared Venerable by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008, and Beatified by Pope Francis in 2020.

The son of Irish immigrants who came to America during the famine of the 1840s, he was born in Connecticut and grew up at a time when anti-Catholic prejudice greatly limited social and employment opportunities in the U.S.  From an early age, he decided to become a priest.  He was ordained in 1878 and his first assignment was at St Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn.  He eventually became its pastor.

The Church is located across from Yale University and was predominantly comprised of poor Irish immigrants.  The men worked in factories with terrible working conditions.  Many of these young husbands and fathers died at an early age due to those conditions. The widows turned to Fr. McGivney for help, and he did so wherever he could, and asked the men of the parish to help.

To help the widows and the families, in 1882 Blessed Fr McGivney gathered together a group of laymen from his parish in the basement of St. Mary’s for a meeting and formed the Knights of Columbus.  He had two goals for this new group of Catholic men:  to provide assistance to widows and children when a family breadwinner died, and to provide Catholic men with a fraternal association that would draw them closer to their Catholic faith and to one another.  For the next several years, Blessed Fr McGivney helped foster the growth of the Order, first in Connecticut and then later in adjoining states. 

Never robust in health, Blessed Fr McGivney was stricken with pneumonia—he lost his physical strength just as the order that he founded was growing.  He died on Aug 14, 1890.

Due to the incredible foresight of this selfless parish priest, the Knights of Columbus now has 2 million members around the world, donates hundreds of millions of dollars per year to worthy charities and contributes 77 million volunteer hours per year to continue to help the needy. 

August 13th is the Feast Day of Blessed Fr McGivney.  Please join the Knights of Columbus in celebrating this humble, selfless, and visionary parish priest:  Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney.

Knights of Columbus Fundraising Event – August, 2023

The Knights of Columbus Council 13300 will hold a fundraiser at Rose Plantation Restaurant (11AM-2PM & 4:30-8PM) on Tuesday, August 15. While it might seem a bit early, we are preparing for our Christmas toy drive and thus the featured charities are Kids Central Inc, and Shop with a Wildwood Cop programs. Both programs provide disadvantaged children with toys at Christmas.

It is best to make reservations (352) 805-4340. Come have a wonderful meal at this delightful restaurant and support our worthy charity.

Mission Cooperative

Mission Cooperative: Extending Compassion & Hope Worldwide

We welcome Rev. Fr. Boniface Mbithi Nduva from the Diocese Machakos, Kenya who will speak at all the Masses on August 5 & August 6. This is also the weekend we will hold a second collection in support of Mission Cooperative’s Mission.

Thanks in large part to the prayers and support of Catholics in the United States, the Church in Machakos is growing and is making a positive impact in the lives of the people.

About Machakos Diocese, Kenya

The Diocese of Machakos is one of the largest in Kenya with 83 parishes and over 1,200 outstations. Total population is about 3.4 million of which about 1.2 million are baptized Catholics. The Diocese lies in a semi-arid area with low and unreliable annual rainfall. Among the many challenges facing the people of this area are famine, malnutrition, maternal and infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, and waterborne diseases. The Catholic Church in Kenya, rather than the government, is mostly responsible for improving the lives of citizens.

Diocese of Machakos Efforts & Accomplishments

  • Operating 2 hospitals and over 20 clinics/dispensaries.
  • Drilling of wells to provide clean water.
  • Supporting “Mother and Child Health” Programs
  • Maintaining 21 group homes for disabled children.
  • Maintaining 4 orphanages for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS,
  • Organizing workshops on health and nutrition.
  • Establishing rehabilitation programs for street children.
  • Providing support on improved agricultural practices.
  • Constructed a primary school for orphans and other children in need.

Purposes for 2023 Mission Cooperative Appeal Donations:

  • Support for humanitarian effort of providing famine relief to starving families.
  • Support “Mother and Child Health” programs to reduce mother and infant mortalities.
  • Provide potable water for domestic use and reduce water-borne diseases.
  • Support for orphanages, group homes and orphans at the Uganda Martyrs Home.
  • Provide school fees for students from impoverished families.
  • Support for St. Patrick Vocational Training Center for the physically challenged.
  • Support for the adoption of improved agricultural methods.
  • Support for seminarians in formation, catechists, and lay Catholic leaders.
  • Support medical care and insurance for priest and senior seminarians.