Ode to the Feet of Jesus by Denise Retzlaff
FLAWLESS HEAVEN FEET: Before your skin felt earth’s hard crust, You walked on carpets of stardust,
thru galaxies You leapt so high, and danced with stars that twinkled nigh.
Even the universe knew so well, each micro atom seemed compelled
to bow in praise, to be so laced, with you, my Lord, in OuterSpace.
We must sing Alleluia too, for feet that carried them to you.
TINY PRENATAL FEET: Before your first kick in Mary’s womb, You walked through heaven’s garden blooms, imagining your human form, even the foreboding storms.
You must had thoughts of good and bad; Your Father’s plan, so ironclad.
YET, You too leapt at Mary’s “YES”, the Virgin Mother would, us bless.
We must sing Alleluia too, for feet that carried us to you.
SOFT INFANT FEET: Before your just-born feet felt hay, in manger cold, heard donkey’s neigh; the shepherds watched their sheep that night, til angels lit that sky so bright.
Your newborn self, then swaddled warm, when sheep and shepherds, manger stormed
to praise the King Emmanuel, who came to earth with us to dwell.
We must sing Alleluia too, for feet that carried us to you!
GROWING CHILD’s FEET: Before your feet walked desert sand, to heal the sick, or lend a hand, They stood in splintering sawdust frayed, beside “dad” Joseph to learn the trade.
Then hiked to preach the Word, good news; but first were dipped with Jordan’s queues.
Before you walked on solid water, You called us all Your sons and daughters!
We must sing Alleluia too, for feet that carried us to you!
ANNOINTED HOLY FEET: Before Your tired feet were carressed by Mary’s hair, perfumed, anointment filled the air…
like prayers that rise to heights unknown, to God who sits on heaven’s throne.
Before you washed Your apostle’s feet, the Passover Supper you must eat.
We need some faith that you are God, to believe AND trust AND bow in AWE….AND
We must sing Alleluia too, for feet that carried us to you!
BAREFOOT BRUISED FEET: Before your feet trudged before the crowd, blood-hungry mouths, with shouts so loud – to crucify – from sinners proud.
Condemned to death, the sentence cruel, though mercy now would overrule.
Barefoot amidst the tortured climb, shredded, bruised yet so sublime.
Before skinned feet were pierced with nails, they stumbled on the rocky trail
to Calvary, they made their way, to save us for eternal Days!
We must sing Alleluia too, for THESE feet have carried us to you!!
RISEN GLORIOUS FEET: Before blood dried on lifeless flesh,
the tomb sealed tightly swaddled feet, its creche.
God’s plan complete – prophets declared; Christ was raised, our salvation prepared.
On wooden cross, He did defeat, sin’s evil power and deceit.
• Before Your feet bolted from death’s dark tomb,you gave us all a choice to bloom:
to walk your path with humble feet,
• to leap for joy with hopeful feet,
• to follow close with faithful feet, and,
• to give You our ALL with Loving feet
We must sing Alleluia too, for THESE Feet have carried us to you!!