Cursillo Retreat
Cursillo, founded in the 1940s in Spain, is a worldwide movement of the Catholic Church with Papal approval by the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. It consists of proclaiming the best news of the best reality: that God, in Christ, loves us. Communicated by the best means, which is friendship towards the best of each one, which is his being person and his capacity of Conviction, Decision, and Constancy. The movement develops in adult Christians a consciousness of their power and mission to become leaders in their work of Christian renewal and to sustain them as they provide a Christian leaven in civic, social, and economic life.
If you have NOT been through Cursillo, explore the Diocese of Orlando Cursillo Website at If you have questions or would like to attend Cursillo, please email or call Darlene 703-398-4095

Emmanuel Charismatic Prayer Group
The power of the Holy Spirit is present in the songs, praise, worship, spirit-filled teachings, and intercessory prayer of this Charismatic group. Weekly meetings are held in the Church. Whether the need is physical, spiritual, emotional, or relational, the healing touch of Our Lord benefits all those who attend.
Purpose: Provide healing through the Holy Spirit.
- Responsibilities: Attend weekly meetings and occasional masses of healing.
- Helpful Attributes: Commitment to charismatic prayer and healing.
- Time Commitment: Weekly meetings and occasional masses.
- Training Required: None
- Fingerprinting Required: Ministry Leaders

God in Our Lives Writing Group (GIOL)
GIOL Writing Group is a community of individuals who gather to explore and deepen their faith through reflective writing and meaningful discussions. This group provides a safe and supportive space for members to share their personal experiences, insights, and struggles, while drawing inspiration from scripture and spiritual teachings. Participants are encouraged to embrace authenticity as they engage with the profound messages of faith, finding solace and strength in the collective journey of spiritual exploration.
Click here to read samples of work from our group members.
Marian Servants of the Word Incarnate
We are a Community with the mission to bring Catholic Christians, men, women, lay and religious, to a deeper understanding of their vocation in Christ, the Church and the world. We seek to grow in what God calls each of us to be, as well as to dedicate ourselves in service to His Holy Church.
Can You Imagine Such An Invitation?
Under the Mantle of Our Blessed Mother and faithfully following Her example of Virtue, we commit our lives to Jesus Christ, Our Lord, through the workings of the Holy Spirit. We also have a loyal submission to our Holy Father, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and we are under our Local Ordinate, Bishop John Noonan.
We live by a Rule of Life of: Holiness, Obedience and Humble Service, with great Joy!
As a Charismatic ministry our primary charisms are Spiritual Direction and Healing Prayer. Spiritual Direction, through which an ever-deepening friendship with our Lord, heals and shapes us in our life, and the beautiful and powerful Ignatian form of prayer applied to Scripture. Our Directors are certified through the Cenacle of Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spiritual Direction® Program in Clearwater, FL. in association with Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH.
MARIAN SERVANTS® of the Word Incarnate serve our parish in the following ways:
- We are on the Parish Faith Formation Executive Council
We offer Retreats, Days of Reflection, as well as Presentations for spiritual growth of the parish
We provide one-on-one Spiritual Direction to individual - We support Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament. We are devoted to Jesus in The Most Blessed Sacrament.
- We pray to increase Devotion to the TRUE PRESENCE of Our Lord.
We are pleased and grateful to have Deacon Dana McCarthy as our chaplain and liaison to our Parish and the Diocese.
If you feel that the Holy Spirit is stirring something in your heart and wish to inquire further we invite you to call: Maureen Lucia, Director, at (703) 861-8837 or Judy Luedtke at (352) 603-1897
Also, you may go to , our Founding Community of Marian Servants®

Small Christian Communities
Small Christian Communities (SCC) provide the opportunity for individuals to meet and connect on a more personal basis with fellow parishioners in our large parish community.
We are small, faith-sharing communities made up of 8-12 fellow parishioners focusing on our personal faith journey as it relates to the upcoming Sunday’s liturgical readings with an emphasis on the Gospel message. Through Prayer, Gospel Reflection, Faith Sharing and Social Time, we bond as fellow Christians and parishioners.
SCC is not a Bible study, but, by sharing our faith journey we develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and open our hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit. In so doing, we enrich our spiritual lives and stay “Christ Centered”.
To find out more about SCC click here to watch our video or click here to read more about our ministry!

To Contact the Ministry Coordinators, Click Here