Ministry of Consolation
The goal of the Ministry of Consolation is to ensure that no member of the parish grieves alone. The bereavement ministers are trained by the Diocese to assist parishioners as they grieve the death of a loved one. This may include immediate physical needs such as food, transportation or other personal needs. The ministers are trained to help with planning the Funeral Rite (vigil service, the Funeral Mass and cemetery service). This Ministry also provides all-important follow-up care.
Purpose: Ensure that no parishioner grieves alone.
- Responsibilities: Assist in planning funeral rites and in providing as-needed support to grieving parishioners (e.g., food, transportation, follow-up care).
- Helpful Attributes: Compassion, sensitivity, strong human interaction skills.
- Time Commitment: Several hours for each family. Depends on family needs and the availability of the volunteers.
- Training Required: Provided by Diocese
- Fingerprinting Required: Yes

Caring Neighbors
The Caring Neighbors ministry responds to the needs of the elderly, frail, lonely, and ill people in the community who are facing life changes or family crisis. We provide practical and non-medical assistance such as providing a meal, home visitation, home reading to the sight impaired, running errands, or transportation to doctors, church, or the grocery store.
Purpose: Provide services to those in need.
- Responsibilities: To Share the love of Christ through service to others.
- Helpful Attributes: Willingness to serve.
- Time Commitment: Depends on the client’s needs and the availability of the volunteer.
- Training Required: Provided by Ministry
- Fingerprinting Required: Yes
Nursing Home Mass Helpers
Located less than a mile from the center of Wildwood is a complex of simple buildings that is home to over 200 aged and infirm people. Catholic residents look forward to having Masses celebrated in their chapel. A small group of dedicated parishioners volunteer to assist the celebrant at these liturgies and socially interact with the residents. For many residents, these opportunities to visit and pray with a priest and Saint Vincent parishioners are their main connection to the larger community.
Purpose: Assist with masses celebrated for nursing home residents in Wildwood.
- Responsibilities: Prepare altar and room for mass; function as a reader and/or Eucharistic minister; interact with nursing home residents.
- Helpful Attributes: Attention to detail; reading skills; training as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
- Time Commitment: Arrive at least 30 minutes before mass, and stay at least 30 minutes after mass.
- Training Required: Provided by Ministry
- Fingerprinting Required: Yes

Ministry to the Sick
Ministry to the Sick is the compassionate care brought to people who are hospitalized, confined to nursing homes, hospices, or who are too incapacitated to leave their homes. Ministers bring the Eucharist, share their time, listen to, and pray along with the patient and family caregivers that may be present. Those who participate in this practice of charity attest to Jesus’ healing presence in our community.
Purpose: Take the Eucharist to parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized, or confined to nursing homes or hospice facilities.
- Responsibilities: Drive to the parishioner’s location; administer Holy Communion; visit, listen to and pray with the patient and family caregivers who may be present.
- Helpful Attributes: Compassion for the sick and dying; driver’s license.
- Time Commitment: Varies
- Training Required: Diocese training required. Additional training by Ministry.
- Fingerprinting Required: Yes
To Contact the Ministry Coordinators, Click Here