Thank you so much for your incredible generosity. We have been blessed by God with this great gift – and we anticipate a great many things for our Parish Community.
As accomplished the initial goal, there is now the road ahead of paying for the building. You wish to help us with The Building Debt Reduction Fund – you can donate online with FaithDirect. There you will have the option for a one time gift or a monthly payment.
We appreciate your ongoing support! God bless you!
The Building the Way to Heaven Campaign has ended! If you wish to pay of the remaining amount of your Building the Way to Heaven pledge, you may do so online at FaithDirect – choose either to donate in full with a one time gift or donate monthly.
For questions concerning the Building the Way to Heaven Capital Campaign you may contact Carmen Kreeger at 352-330-0220 or at
Thank you for your sacrificial gift.