Prayer Requests

For those that wish to add a name to our prayer list in the church prayer book and/or the bulletin. If you are praying on behalf of someone other than family and would like to have their name added to the bulletin, we ask that the individual or the individual’s family member is aware and has consented to have their name published. Thank you!

  • Your Information

    This information is confidential and only needed for our records. You name and number will not be published.
  • Not required – enter your email if you wish to receive an automatic confirmation email.
  • Prayer Request

    Please select where your prayer intention should appear. You can select one or both options. Requests for Bulletin – Your request may not be published until the following week – depending on when your request was made. The bulletin is usually submitted a week ahead. Church Prayer Book – Someone from the Parish Office will write the prayer request into the prayer book.
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    If you would like to add any additional information about your prayer. This information stays confidential and will not be published anywhere.